Cancellation and Refund Policy

Returns and cancellations are accepted only if the product is returned within 7 days after delivery with the cover and label intact.

Unless we have notified you that we do not accept your order, or you have cancelled your order in accordance with the cancellation conditions as stated below, our acceptance of your order and the completion of the contract between you and us will take place when we have received the payment and dispatched the product ordered by you.

We may not accept your order if an item you have ordered is out of stock, we are unable to obtain authorisation for your payment or if we identify a product or pricing error. We reserve the right to reject any offer to purchase by you at any time.

If we are unable to fulfill your order following our order acknowledgement, we will contact you by email or telephone advising you of this.

If you are not satisfied and wish to return the goods ordered, you must notify us within 7 days of receiving your order. We will refund only against UNUSED products, returned to us in fully re-saleable condition, including undamaged, sealed packaging and labelling for individual items, within 21 days.